Sitrak 2021 Used Sinotruk Sitrak C7h 6x4 Tractor Lhd cabeza tractora

≈ 58.340.000 COP
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Contactos del vendedor

Power performance
This 2021 used Sinotruk Sitrak C7h 6x4 tractor Lhd is equipped with Sinotruk's MC11.44-50 engine, which is famous for its inline six-cylinder layout, water cooling system, four-stroke design, turbocharged intercooling technology and high-pressure common rail fuel injection system. The engine of this 2021 used Sinotruk Sitrak C7h 6x4 tractor Lhd can output a peak power of 440 horsepower and a powerful torque of 2100 Nm, which allows the vehicle to maintain sufficient power under various road conditions.
Appearance design
The appearance of this 2021 used Sinotruk Sitrak C7h 6x4 tractor Lhd inherits the unique firmness and fortitude of Shandeka. Its body contour is both smooth and powerful, showing a calm and grand demeanor. This 2021 used Sinotruk Sitrak C7h 6x4 tractor Lhd uses brown as the body color. This tone not only maintains the vehicle's sense of stability, but also adds a touch of personality, leaving a deep impression on consumers. Whether it is shuttling through the hustle and bustle of the city or galloping on the highway, this 2021 used Sinotruk Sitrak C7h 6x4 tractor Lhd always conveys a sense of solidity and reliability. The bumper under the front of this 2021 used Sinotruk Sitrak C7h 6x4 tractor Lhd is sturdy and protective, and is equipped with LED daytime running lights to enhance safety and visual effects.
In the cab design of this 2021 used Sinotruk Sitrak C7h 6x4 tractor Lhd, comfort and humanization are put first. This 2021 used Sinotruk Sitrak C7h 6x4 tractor Lhd is equipped with a newly designed seat and operating interface, allowing the driver to easily adjust the seat to the best position and angle for the most comfortable driving experience. The interior decoration of this 2021 used Sinotruk Sitrak C7h 6x4 tractor Lhd uses high-quality materials, and the overall interior style is simple and modern.
Specification of 2021 Used Sinotruk Sitrak C7h 6x4 Tractor Lhd
Product name: 2021 Used Sinotruk Sitrak C7h 6x4 Tractor Lhd
Model: ZZ4256V324HD1B
Drive type: 6X4
Wheelbase: 3225+1350mm
Rear axle speed ratio: 3.36
Cab: high roof
Lower berth width: 800mm
Number of passengers: 3
Body length: 6.895 meters
Body width: 2.496 meters
Body height: 3.41 meters
Tonnage level: heavy truck
Vehicle weight: 8.8 tons
Gross mass: 25 tons
Total traction mass: 40 tons
Engine model: MC11.44-40
Engine brand: Sinotruk
Number of cylinders: 6 cylinders
Fuel type: diesel
Cylinder arrangement: inline
Displacement: 10. 518L
Emission standard: Euro IV
Maximum horsepower: 440 horsepower
Maximum output power: 324kW
Maximum torque: 2100N·m
Maximum torque speed: 1000-1400rpm
Rated speed: 1900rpm
Maximum speed: 101km/h
Gearbox model: ZF16S2230TO
Gearbox brand: ZF
Shift mode: manual
Forward gear: 16 gears
Number of reverse gears: 2
Fuel tank capacity: 600L
Rear axle: MCY13Q
Suspension type: leaf spring
Number of spring leaves: 3/5
Number of tires: 10
Tire specification: 295/80R22.5